Samsung Care+
Accidental damage & theft cover
1. Policy wording .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Who is this policy designed for? .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
3. What you are covered for ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
4. What you are NOT covered for ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
5. How to make a claim ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
6. What you need to know about the claims process ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
7. Making an enquiry or complaint .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
8. Fraud ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
9. Price of your insurance ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
10. Duration of this policy .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
11. Cancelling your insurance .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
12. Law that applies ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
13. If we need to change the terms of the policy .................................................................................................................................................................... 10
14. Financial Services Compensation Scheme ......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
15. Information about the Insurer ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
16. Data Protection- How we handle your personal information ........................................................................................................................................... 11
1. Policy wording
In this wording you will find
you need to know about your Samsung Care+ Cover. This policy wording and your certificate of insurance forms an
agreement between you and the insurer, Assurant General Insurance Limited. References to “we/us/our” means Assurant General Insurance Limited.
this document and your certificate of insurance
carefully to make sure this policy is right for you.
you have any questions, please go to to check on common FAQs, or call 0333 0091 717.
2. Who is this policy designed for?
This policy is designed for customers who wish to cover their Samsung device against Accidental Damage and Theft.
You may need to pay an excess
for every accepted claim. If an excess is payable this will be confirmed in your certificate of insurance. The amount of the excess varies depending on the type
and model of the insured device and is also detailed in your certificate of insurance
. You need to consider this excess when deciding if this policy is right for
Your claim might be rejected if you take risks with your device which you wouldn’t normally take if it wasn’t insured. Further details can be found in the section
What you are
covered for'.
3. What you are covered for
Worldwide cover for your
Samsung device
Cover for your Samsung devices as detailed in your certificate of insurance.
To be covered under this insurance policy your device has to be in full working order before you take out this policy.
Any SIM enabled devices should be able to connect to the network
You cannot make a claim on a device which has
already been damaged or has been stolen before you buy this insurance policy.
Your device is
worldwide against
damage and
If your device is accidentally damaged, we'll either repair or replace it. Accidental damage refers to where the device
fails to function correctly or safely as the result of an incident that has happened by accident. For example, it is dropped,
something is dropped on it or liquid spilled onto it.
If your device is stolen, we will replace it.
To complete a claim for accidental damage, you will need to send us your damage device. If you can’t send us the
broken device to support a damage claim, we’ll treat it as being lost and you will not be covered under this policy.
If your device is stolen or cannot be repaired, and we can’t provide you with a replacement of the same make and
model, we will give you a choice of devices with a similar specification.
device may come from
stock (not brand new). Before we send any device
to settle a
carry out
comprehensive checking process
to make sure they are in full
All devices will come with:
The remaining period of cover on your Samsung Care+ from the original insured device; and
The remaining period of your Samsung two-year limited warranty from the original insured device
or with a 90-day limited warranty (whichever is longer).
We'll try to replace your device with one of the same colour but can’t guarantee this will always be possible. We
also can’t guarantee to replace any limited or special edition device.
Where we send you a
or repaired item, this will only be sent to a UK
In the event we are unable to repair or provide a
we will
you to discuss a different
to pay your claim
Accessories which came in
the box of the insured device
Your accessories may get damaged or stolen at the same time as your device, or they may no longer be compatible with
your device because we've replaced it. If this happens, we'll replace them with similar accessories. If this isn’t possible,
we'll get in touch with you to talk about a different solution.
Accessories are only covered if they came in the original box with the device at point of purchase.
4. What you are NOT covered for
The loss of your device is not covered under any circumstances. Loss means the device has been left somewhere
or misplaced by you and you are and unable to find the device.
More than 2 successful claims in
each 12-month
There is a limit of 2 successful claims that can be made on this policy in each 12-month period, starting from the
date you buy the policy.
For example, if you buy the insurance policy on the 1
February and you make a successful claim on the
device on 1
March, you are limited to only one more accepted claim up to the 1
February the following
If you have bought a monthly or annual policy, then the policy will cancel on the date we settle your second claim.
Damage or theft because of not
taking care of your device
We know how important your devices are to you and we expect that you will
care of it.
Taking care of your device means:
Following manufacturers instructions on the use of it.
Not knowingly leaving it out of sight where another person could damage your device, or you would be
unable to take action to prevent it being stolen or damaged.
If you need to leave your device somewhere then we expect you to lock it away out of sight if at all possible.
If you cannot lock it away, then you must leave it with someone you trust or concealed out of sight in a safe
Intentionally damaging your device.
If you knowingly leave your device somewhere you can’t see it but others can, we may decline your claim for not
taking care, some examples where we have previously declined claims because of this are
In a cafe or pub, you leave your device on the table when you go to the bar to pick up your drink instead of
taking it with you
Leaving your device on display in your car
Leaving your device in the care of someone you don’t know well
If you are at the gym and you leave your device on a bench in the changing rooms rather than taking it with
you or locking it in a locker.
All these examples increase the risk of it being stolen or damaged and may result in your claim being declined.
The examples are to help you understand what’s not covered and are not the only reasons a claim could be
We only cover damage if it stops the normal functioning of your device. If it is just a scratch or dent, and your
device still works as expected, then we will not repair or replace it.
We know scratches and scrapes to your device aren’t nice, but these won’t be covered by this policy. We will only
fix your device when it isn’t working, or if the screen damage could injure someone or damage the device even
more. For example, a scratched screen on a tablet or a mobile phone would not be covered but a cracked screen
If your device has been modified in any way, the modifications won't be covered.
are anything that changes the way your device looks or works
the original
This includes things like
changes, adding gems,
precious metals.
Contents of your device
We only cover the device, we don't cover the
This means
software, downloads,
apps, music, or any other content is not
by this policy,
make sure you back it up
If any of the data stored on your device is used to access existing accounts, or open new accounts through fraud,
money lost because of this won’t be covered.
Keeping a back-up of all the data that you store on your device is highly
Other losses
Any cost or loss that can't be fixed by the repair or replacement of your device. We don't cover any loss of earnings,
or similar.
Third Party Repair and Servicing
We do not cover for repairs, services or modifications to your devices carried out by anyone where we have not
given our authorisation.
Electrical or mechanical breakdown
Where the device fails as a result of defects or faults in materials or workmanship. These defects could be covered
under your Samsung two-year limited warranty and/or your statutory rights.
Where the Serial number or IMEI has
been removed defaced or altered
We will not accept a claim where your Samsung device has had its serial or IMEI number removed, defaced or
5. How to make a claim
Step One:
(Theft claims only)
Step Two:
Step Four:
Step Five:
We may ask for
extra information and documents to assess
your claim. This could
documents to show when the device was
used or to check your identity.
We will confirm what is needed, if
the claims
Documents needed to prove you own the mobile phone must include the make, model, memory size,
colour and IMEI of the device. For other devices documents must include the make, model, and date you bought your device.
If you have any
in getting any supporting documents we need, please
us so we can
p in
guiding you on how to get these.
We understand circumstances can be quite different when something happens that might lead to a claim. We'll take this into consideration when we review your claim.
6. What you need to know about the claims process
7. Making an enquiry or complaint
We will always try to be fair and reasonable. If you're not happy with the service you've received, please let us know so we can do our best to put it right. We will
do everything possible to make sure that your query is dealt with quickly. You can contact us by any of the following methods:
Customer helpline: 0333 0091 717
Please quote your name, IMEI/Serial Number and Certificate of Insurance number on any correspondence so we can deal with your problem more effectively.
If you're not happy with our decision, you can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) for an independent assessment.
The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9GE
Telephone: 0800 023 4567/0300 123 9123
Nothing in these terms, including referral to the FOS affects your statutory rights
If your device is damaged or faulty, we can’t complete your claim until we confirm that any locking system on your device has been removed. If
we are trying to fix your device, the locking system will delay your claim. The device may be returned to you unrepaired so you can remove the
locking system.
When you send us your device, please don't send in your sim, memory card or any other accessories that don't relate to the claim. If you do, we
won't be able to send them back.
We are unable to recover and
When your device is
be erased as part of the claims
This cover is on top of any manufacturer's warranty that applies to your device. Nothing in this policy is intended to affect your rights under
your manufacturer's warranty or your statutory rights
If any stolen items are recovered after the claim is approved, they shall become the property of the insurer and must be returned to us
and accessories, parts and materials replaced by
us shall become the
of the
If you're unhappy with the claim’s
we want to
from you as soon as
Please follow the process below in
Making an
8. Fraud
We do not tolerate any aspect of fraud. We work closely and share data with other insurers, law and fraud agencies, and network providers to recognize
fraud and support prosecution where these is enough legal evidence. Our Fraud Team works tirelessly to recognise and stop fraud.
Assurant, and other organisations, may access and use the information collected by fraud prevention agencies, from both the UK and from other
It is important that when you apply for insurance or make a claim, you take care to answer all questions as honestly and accurately as possible. The same
applies to anyone acting on your behalf. We may not pay claims if you don’t.
If false or inaccurate information is given and fraud is identified, then Assurant will:
Not honour the claim and we will cancel your policy. If an excess has been paid this will not be returned, this is not a penalty this is to cover admin
Report you to the relevant authorities. We will take legal action if needed to recover any money already paid to you under this policy.
Pass the details onto your bank or our distribution partner providing this service as part of a wider offering.
Put the details of the false claim onto a Register of Claims. Insurers share information through this register to stop fraud.
• Pass details to fraud prevention agencies.
Law enforcement agencies may access and use this information. We and other organisations may also access and use this information to stop fraud and
money laundering. For example -
• Checking details on applications for credit and credit related accounts or loans
• To recognize and stop fraud
• Managing credit and credit related accounts or loans
• Recovering debt
• Checking details on proposals and claims for all types of insurance
• Checking details of job applicants and employees
We and other organisations may access and use from other countries the information collected by fraud prevention agencies. Please contact us on 0333
0091 717 for details of fraud prevention agencies.
9. Price of your insurance
The price of your insurance will depend on the value of the device you are insuring, and which policy duration you have selected (e.g., monthly, 1-year or 2-years).
The price is detailed in your certificate of insurance.
For 1 and 2-year policies the full premium must be paid when you buy the insurance.
For monthly policies you must pay the first month’s premium when you buy the insurance, and subsequent premiums must be made monthly on the agreed dates
through your chosen payment method.
If you fail to make a monthly payment, then your policy will not be valid and will be cancelled.
10. Duration of this policy
1-year and 2-year policies
Will run for a maximum of 1 or 2 years (whichever applies) beginning on the start date as detailed on your certificate of insurance, or until one of the following
events happen:
You contact us to cancel the insurance.
The insurer cancels the insurance.
In the event of 2 successful claims being made on a 1-year policy.
In the event of 4 successful claims being made on a 2-year policy.
Monthly policies
Will run monthly for a maximum of 36 months or until one of the following events happen:
You contact us to cancel the insurance.
The insurer cancels the insurance.
In the event of 2 successful claims being made in a 12-month period.
You fail to pay your monthly premium on time.
11. Cancelling your insurance
You can cancel this insurance within 14 days of receiving these terms and conditions without paying any extra fees or charges and your premium will be refunded in
full provided no claim has been made.
After the 14-day period you can still cancel your insurance, but no refund will be given on monthly policies. 1-year and 2-year policies will be given a pro rata refund
based on the amount of unused period of insurance if you have not made a successful claim. If you have made a successful claim no refund will be provided.
To cancel this insurance policy please contact us on 0333 0091 717 (standard call charges apply).
The insurer can cancel this insurance without notice if you do not pay the monthly premium when due or if you make a claim which we believe to be fraudulent.
Otherwise, the insurer can cancel your insurance by giving you 30 days written notice to your last known address or an email to the email address you provided.
12. Need another copy?
This document and all of Our literature is available in large print, audio or Braille. We will be happy to provide you with a copy on request by email
enquiries.samsungc[email protected].uk or call Us on 0333 0091 717 to request a copy.
13. Law that applies
The law of England and Wales applies to this policy and you can take legal action concerning this policy in the English courts. If you live in Scotland, you can take legal
action concerning this policy in either the Scottish or the English courts. If you live in Northern Ireland, you can take legal action concerning this policy in either the
Northern Irish or the English courts. This policy is written in English and all communication with you will be in English.
14. If we need to change the terms of the policy
If we need to change the terms, we
give you 30 days' notice in
to your last known address. This might be because of changes to the law, or decisions
in the Financial Ombudsman Service. The terms might also be changed to meet rules, industry guidance, or to reflect the cost of providing the insurance going up or
down. We might also change the level of cover.
If you do not agree with the changes, you can cancel your policy within 30 days of being notified of the change. You may be entitled to a refund of any premiums paid
in advance on a pro rata basis.
15. Financial Services Compensation Scheme
General Insurance Limited is covered by the
Compensation Scheme. You may be
from the scheme if
Assurant General Insurance Limited cannot meet their
are covered for 90% of the entire claim, without any upper limit.
can get more
about the
020 77414100 or
0800 6781100
or by visiting their
website at
16. Information about the Insurer
This policy is underwritten by a single insurer Assurant General Insurance Limited (Financial Services Register No. 202735). Their address is Emerald Buildings,
Westmere Drive, Crewe CW1 6UN.
Assurant General Insurance Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation
Authority. Their registration details can be checked on the Financial Services Register by visiting the FCA's website
17. Data Protection- How we handle your personal information
Who we are
The responsible controller for the processing of your personal information when you visit this Web Portal and when you purchase our insurance policy through the
Web Portal is Assurant General Insurance Limited (Assurant), based in Emerald Buildings, Westmere Dr Cheshire, Crewe CW1 6UN.
Personal information we collect from you
We may collect and use the following information about you when you visit the Web Portal and for the provision of the services under the insurance policy:
Name and contact details (e.g. postal address, phone number, email address),
Internet Protocol (IP), (e.g. when you visit the Web Portal),
Details of your bank account, (e.g. for the collection of insurance premiums),
Insurance policyholder data (e.g. policy number, certificate, payment history, and invoices),
Data from the covered device (e.g. make, model, serial number, IMEI),
Details of claims for compensation (e.g. claim number, date of theft and reason, call history, theft details, participation reference and supporting documents),
Records of any correspondence related to specific matters, and
Feedback provided by you about our services.
If you choose not to provide us with any of this data, we may not be able to provide you with certain services under the insurance policy.
How we use your personal information?
We process your personal information for the following purposes:
To support your visit to our Web Portal
To process your purchase of your insurance policy
Fulfilling the insurance policy and to provide services related to the insurance policy. This includes:
o the provision of the insurance policy,
o verifying your identity,
o processing your information regarding the purchase of our products and services,
o calculating your cover price and excess,
o receiving a payment from you, and
o communicating with you.
Our legal basis for the processing of your personal information.
We will only process your personal information where we have a valid legal basis. These include;
The performance of the insurance policy you concluded with us.
We will use your personal information where necessary to pursue our legitimate interests, in particular;
o compliance with our insurance policy obligations, including the management of claims for damages.
o for the purposes of statistical analysis, customer surveys (where permitted under applicable law) for internal administrative functions, management of
customer information requests, customer relationship management and evaluation of the quality of the insurance policy and its benefits.
o monitor and improve our offers and customer experience and manage our internal procedures in accordance with our tests and standards.
o risk assessment and management (including operational risk), debt collection, fraud prevention and evidence management.
o to respond to any comments or complaints you send us.
o to improve the safety, security and performance of our services.
Compliance with a legal obligation, for example;
o where we have a legal obligation to use your personal information for the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing and implementation of
the sanction’s regime. We will use your personal information whenever necessary to comply with our legal obligations.
Where you have consented to the use of your personal information for the purpose we explain at the time. E.g. when you visit the Web Portal we place cookies
and use similar technologies in accordance with our cookie notice. You will always be able to withdraw your consent by contacting us or using the mechanism
described to you at the time that your consent was obtained.
What personal information do we obtain from other sources?
We may process personal information about you that we obtain from third parties. We will obtain your name, contact details, insurance policy details (e.g. coverage
level) from your telecommunications service provider through which you may have purchased this insurance product directly.
We will also obtain data about you (relating to your identity and previous claims for compensation) to enable us to make decisions about your insurance policy and
claims for compensation.
How we share your personal information
Your personal information may be disclosed on a need-to-know basis to the following third parties;
Other companies in our Assurant group of entities.
Third party suppliers of services, such as your telecommunications service provide, couriers, customer support, customer communications, audit, application or
database hosting, device warehouse and repair centers, entities responsible for the management of claims for compensation.
Fraud prevention services and databases; if you provide us with false or inaccurate data, and we suspect the possibility of fraud, we will verify the data with
fraud prevention services.
In order to prevent or detect fraud or other criminal activity, we may share your personal information with other public services and bodies, including competent
law enforcement authorities and judicial authorities.
Public Authorites; if required by law or for the legal protection of our legitimate interests in compliance with applicable law we may disclose your personal
information to public authorities.
How long do we keep your personal information?
We only retain your personal information for the period of time strictly necessary for the full performance of your insurance policy. This means that your personal
information will not be retained for more than 6 years after the end of your insurance policy, or after its cancellation, to respond to requests, claims for compensation or
requests for information. However, we may retain your data for a longer period of time if this is necessary to comply with any laws to which we are required, or if
necessary to protect ourselves or to exercise our rights to the extent permitted by applicable data protection legislation.
International Transfers
In the context of the purposes described above, your personal information may be transferred outside the United Kingdom (UK) to countries that are not considered to
ensure an adequate level of protection of personal information. We will ensure that appropriate Standard Contractual Clauses are in place for those countries with
privacy laws that do not have adequate protection. We may also rely on our vendor’s Binding Corporate Rules. If you would like more information on the relevant
transfer mechanism or additional information on the transfers, please address these requests by using the contact details set out below.
Your rights
You have the following rights regarding your personal information:
Right to access information about how we process your personal information, including the categories of personal information we process, recipients of your personal
information, and purposes for our processing.
Right to rectification of inaccurate personal information concerning you, as well as, taking into account the purposes of the processing, the right to have incomplete
personal information completed.
Right to erasure (deletion) of personal information concerning you where: (a) the personal information is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which
they were collected or otherwise processed; (b) you withdraw your consent and there are no other legal grounds for the processing; (c) you exercise your right to
object (see below) and there are no compelling legitimate grounds for the processing; (d) the personal information have been unlawfully processed; or (e) the personal
information have to be erased for compliance with a legal obligation applicable to us.
Right to restriction of processing (i.e., data will be blocked from normal processing but not erased) where: (a) you contest the accuracy of the personal information,
for a period enabling us to verify the accuracy; (b) the processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of the personal information and requests the restriction of
their use instead; (c) we no longer need the personal information for the purposes of the processing but they are required by you for the establishment, exercise or
defense of legal claims; (d) you exercise your right to object (see below) pending the verification whether our legitimate grounds override those of you.
Where processing is based on your consent, the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing prior to such withdrawal.
Please note that even after you have chosen to withdraw your consent, we may be able to continue to process your personal information in some limited
circumstances if we can base such processing on another valid legal basis.
Where processing is based on your consent, or on a contract, the right to data portability, i.e. the right to obtain a copy of the data concerning you in a structured,
commonly used and machine-readable format and the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from us.
Right to object to the processing of personal information based on our legitimate interests, provided that there are no compelling legitimate grounds for the
processing that would override your interests, rights and freedoms or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims. Where personal information is
processed for direct marketing purposes, you shall have the right to object at any time to processing of personal information concerning you for such marketing, which
includes profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing.
Please note that in certain situations, and subject to applicable law, we may not be able or obliged to comply with all your requests, for example comply with a deletion
request relating to information we are required by law to keep or have a compelling legitimate interest in keeping.
We may charge you a reasonable fee in case you request additional copies of your personal information or make excessive requests. If we are unable to honor your
request, or before we charge a fee, we will expressly inform you. In so far as practicable and required under law, we will notify third parties with whom we have shared
your personal information of any request for correction, deletion, and/or restriction to the processing of your personal information. Please note that we cannot guarantee
third parties will follow up on our notification and we encourage you to contact those third parties directly.
Click here to submit your privacy rights request: You can also contact us by any other means or by using the contact details
set out below.
You always have the right to lodge a complaint with your local Data protection Authority.
Information security
We have implemented safeguards designed to protect your personal information in accordance with applicable industry standards and privacy laws. We have
measures in place to restrict access to personal information to those individuals whom we know have a valid business purpose to have access to such information.
We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards. However, no method of transmission over the internet or method of electronic storage is totally secure.
Therefore, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.
Minimum Age
We do not knowingly collect personal information from anyone under the age of 18. You must be at least 18 years of age to purchase our insurance policy and use the
Automated decision making and profiling based on personal information
In certain circumstances we use automated decision-making tools. We typically use these tools when we make direct decisions about the policyholder (e.g. in certain
compensation claims management processes). You will be given additional information about automated decision-making processes before, or at the moment we want
to make decisions in this way. If you do not agree with the result of the decision taken by solely automated means, you can request human review of the decision,
express your point of view, and obtain an explanation of the decision. If you wish to do so please contact us by using the contact details set out below.
Changes to this Privacy Notice
We may from time to time update this privacy notice. If we make material changes to our notice, we will notify you by email or by means of a notice through the
service. Please review changes carefully.
Contact us
For general enquiries, please contact us at or call 0333 0091 717
If you have any questions about our privacy notice or want to lodge a data privacy complaint, please contact us:
by post to:
Assurant General Insurance Ltd.
Westmere Dr Cheshire
Crewe CW1 6UN.
by E Mail:
Click her to submit your privacy rights request:
Effective date: January 2022